
To start out I decided I would put up a picture of the book cover and type out the title page and contents of the book.  So here 'tis.

and other Latvian Folk Tales
Retold by Mae Durham
from the translation of Skaidrite Rubene-Koo
Notes by Alan Dundes

Illustrated by Harriet Pincus

Harcourt, Brace &World, Inc., New York


1.    The Bad-Tempered Wife
2.    Mother Luck
3.    One-Eye, Two-Eyes, and Three-Eyes
4.    The Poor Brother's Bad Luck
5.    The Devil's Partnership
6.    The Silly Goose War
7.    The Three Cups of Water
8.    The Wolf and the Ram
9.    Tit for Tat
10.  The Princess on the Glass Mountain 
11.  The Giant Beanstalk
12.  The Devil and the Pit
13.  The King on Trial
14.  The Devil's Bride
15.  The Guest from Heaven
16.  Good Luck and Bad Luck
17.  The Angry Baron
18.  The Bird and the Man
19.  The Fox and the Cock
20.  The Insatiable Beggar
21.  Fiddler John and the Devil
22.  Good Advice
23.  Notes

*Note:  I have omitted the page numbers (as they are useless here) and given each story/section a number. 

As to copyright: all rights belong to Mae J. Durham.  However, the book is out of print.  I have looked into copyrights and who owns it.  I am in the process of contacting the publisher who now holds the work.  If I find I am in violation of copyright in any way, I will remove all stories from this blog.  

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